Thursday, September 26, 2013

13th, Personality Test

Hi Class,

Please answer the following:

1. Describe your personality based on the results of the Color Test last meeting.  Do you agree with the result?

2. Personally, how will you improve relating with the different types of personality, such as, red, blue, white and yellow?  Give specific examples.

3. Which of the different theories of personality (Behavioral, Humanistic, Trait, etc) do you agree.  Explain.

4. With regards to your answer to number 3, how can you apply the theory in your classroom and/or with your students?

Doc Raqui

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

12th Theories of Personality

Hi Class,

Please answer the following:

1. What Theory of Personality: Psychoanalytic theory (Freud, Adler, Horney, or Jung) or Behaviorist Theory (Skinner, Pavlov, or Bandura) do you agree?
2. Trace the application of the chosen theory in your personal life.
3. How can you help develop the personality of your students by applying the chosen theory?

Doc Raqui

Monday, September 9, 2013

11th Kohlberg's Moral Development

Hi Class,

Please answer the following:

1. DO you agree on Kohlber's Theory of Moral Development? Why or Why Not?

2. Name at least two moral issues that students' face? As a teacher, how can you help develop your students moral values on the issues mentioned?

Doc Raqui

Monday, September 2, 2013

10th, Gender Orientation

Hi Class,

Please answer the following:

1.  What are the challenges in school that homosexual students (Elementary/High School) are experiencing?

2. AS a teacher, how will you handle students (Elementary/High School) who come to you with such challenge/s?

Doc Raqui

9th, Erickson's Psycho-social Theory

Hi Class,

1. Read and understand Erickson's Psycho-social Theory of Development.

2. Do you agree with Erickson or not? Why or Why not?

3. Trace the development of your socio-emotional functioning using Erickson's Theory or use any other theory which you think is applicable in your social/emotional development.

Doc Raqui

Sunday, August 11, 2013

7th, Information Procesing

Hi Class, 

Please answer the following:

1. What are the three phases of memory? Describe ways on how you have applied each of the phases of memory in your studies. Give example.

2. How can understanding the phases of memory will help you be an effective educator/teacher?

Doc Raqui

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

6th, Language Development, Part 1

Hi Class,  

A. Describe your agreement/disagreement on Noam Chomsky's Theory: Universal Language (UL)and Language Acquisition Device (LAD). Explain.

B. Name three principles in teaching using the 4 Maxims (quantity, quality, relevance & manner) in linguistic and literacy development. Be sure to give example.

Doc Raqui

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

5th, Language and Literacy Development

Hi Class,

1. Please read pp. 84-97 (Anonat).
2. Why should a teacher understand how children learn a language?
3. Describe the process a child goes through when he learns to read.

Doc Raqui

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


                          Do you agree with the RH Bill or Not? Describe your position.

            As a person and a solid Roman Catholic, I personally opposed the implementation of the RH Bill. If to remove the meritorious platitudes and strip this bill to its essentials, one can vividly see the impending dangers in House Bill No. 5043. One of which is the right for  life or the right to live. There has been a debate up to now about when life starts? Some says upon union of the egg and sperm cells while others say that life starts upon implantation in the uterus. Whatever and whenever life starts, still one cannot refute that RH Bill does not respect this right for life. All of us are children of GOD and made in the image and likeness of HIM. Protection and care should be given from the moment of conception up to its natural death.

            Another aspect is the how the term, “responsible parenthood” is used in this bill.  The term has been twisted to mean that responsible parents are those who have one or two children only. Children are gifts from GOD. Children give meaning to our Christian lives and inspire parents to strive harder and have goals in life. The bills assume that a nation’s population hinders its development that is why they push for the promotion of a two-child policy, massive distribution of contraceptives, sex education (to acquaint young people with contraception), and sterilization, all of which make use of taxpayers’ money. I believe that population is not an obstacle to economic development of a country. Several research studies have been conducted, such as the UN Population Fund Consultative Meeting of Economists (1992), signifying that a more rapid population growth, if properly managed, will promote economic development.


1. How is a child’s perception different from an adult?

            Child’s perception is far more different from that of an adult’s perception. Perception of a child is simple, shallow and primitive. They see and perceive things as easy and uncomplicated. Not like of an adult who perceives things more deep, complicated and difficult. For instance, a teenage girl broke up with her boyfriend because of another girl. For a child, the situation is very easy to solve, just simply by talking to the girl is enough to win her back. But for an adult, it is not that simple to resolve especially that emotion/ feelings is involved in the situation.

 2. As a teacher, what would you do if you suspect that a child has ADHD?

            If the child happens to have ADHD, as a teacher, I will seek the help and guidance of someone capable of handling such condition like a child psychologist. I will work and coordinate with people who are knowledgeable and has experienced on this condition so that better plans could be made on what teaching – learning activities are applicable and suitable for the child. Lastly, it is better to equip myself about by studying, learning and browsing research studies regarding this.

 3. How can teachers and school help a child who has developmental disabilities?

            Developmental disabilities are severe, long term conditions that appear before the age of 22. It maybe physical like blindness, it may affect mental ability such as learning disorders or both physical and mental such as Down syndrome.

            Children with DD should be placed in a special school like SPED to ensure the learning of each student. Remember that each one of them has specific needs to attend to. Teachers and schools should abide to the implementing rules and regulations implemented by the national government, specifically the Department of Education. DepED has assured additional provision thru DepEd Order No. 98 Series 2011 or the Revised Guidelines on the Utilization of the Financial Support Fund to the Secondary School Special Education (SPED) Program. In this guideline, additional funding is given to the school for the effective delivery of services to students with exceptionalities. This additional fund will be utilized mainly on the following:

Purchase of assistive devices and psychological/IQ test tools;

Training and professional upgrading of teachers and school heads relevant to the      implementation of the program;

Student development, leadership training, education visit and student participation in SPED-related activities;

Development of instructional materials and evaluation tools.


1. Describe two major physical and motor developments of a child and adolescent. Explain the reasons for the significance of the two developments.

           One of the major aspects of human development is that growth and development in child and adolescent occurs in an orderly pattern. During infancy, the greatest growth happens always at the top – the head with physical growth in size, weight and future differentiation gradually working its way from top to bottom. This is known as cephalo-caudal pattern. The c-c trend is the postnatal growth from conception to 5 months when the head grows more than the body. For instance, infants learn to use their upper limbs before their lower limbs.
            The other pattern is the proximo-distal developmental trend which is the prenatal growth from 5 months to birth when the fetus grows from the inside of the body outwards. For example is the earlier maturation of muscular control of the trunk and arms, followed by that of the hands and fingers.

 Significance :  By understanding the developmental pattern of growth and development, educators can make an accurate and useful predictions about students and can design effective instructional strategies suited for each student based on the knowledge of development.

Children, as they grow, continue to build and improve gross motor skills – the large scale body movement skills like running and walking. In general, boys develop the gross motor skills slightly faster than do girls except for skills involving balance and precision like skipping and hopping. During childhood, children run faster, jump higher and farther. Of course this is applicable at the said age group only and not to individual children. No two children will develop physical skills in exactly the same pattern or time. By reaching the middle age childhood, children have refined control over their gross motor skills and gained gradual mastery like where to hop or jump. They have acquired flexibility, balance and agility.

Part of growth and development of children is the acquisition of fine motor skills. These skills require “hand-eye” coordination. If the boys develop the gross motor skills faster than the girls, in the fine motor skills, it’s more of the opposite. The girls tend to develop fine motor skills slightly faster than the boys. Middle childhood-aged children show greater improvements in handwriting (more precision in cursive handwriting) and sketching more detailed pictures. Furthermore, children of this age group are more capable of executing complex and difficult detail-oriented craft projects such as sewing, scrapbooking, manipulating modern technologies like videos and computer games.

Significance : The increased mastery of fine motor skills exposes the children to a more complicated world than they have imagined. Children of this age group should be guided religiously not only by their parents, but also by their teachers, knowing the positive and negative potential effects to much exposure and access to internet.    

2. What is the role of the brain in the motor and physical development of a child and adolescent? Explain.

Development of the brain starts in the formation and closure of the neural tube, the earliest nervous tissue. The neural tube forms from the neural plate, which begins forming sixteen days after conception. This plate lengthens and starts folding up, forming a groove two days after, which then begins fusing shut into a tube around twenty-two days post-conception. By 27 days, the tube is fully closed and has already begun its transformation into the brain and spinal cord of the embryo.

Generally speaking, the central nervous system (brain and the spinal cord) matures in a sequence from "tail" to head. Fifth week after conception, the first synapses begin forming in a fetus's spinal cord. By sixth week, these early neural connections permit the first fetal movements i.e. spontaneous arches and curls of the whole body. Many other movements soon follow--of the limbs (around eight weeks) and fingers (ten weeks), as well as some coordinated actions (hiccuping, stretching, yawning, sucking, swallowing, grasping, and thumb-sucking). By 11-12th weeks, a fetus's movement is rich. The second trimester marks the onset of other critical reflexes: continuous breathing movements and coordinated sucking and swallowing reflexes. These abilities are controlled by the brainstem. The brainstem is responsible for many of our body's most vital functions--heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. It is largely mature by the end of the second trimester, which is when babies first become able to survive outside the womb.

Last of all to mature is the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for most of what we think of as mental life--conscious experience, voluntary actions, thinking, remembering, and feeling. In the last trimester, fetuses are capable of simple forms of learning, like habituating (decreasing their startle response) to a repeated auditory stimulus, such as a loud clap just outside the mother's abdomen, responding to familiar odors (such as their own amniotic fluid) and sounds (such as a maternal heartbeat or their own mother's voice). In spite of these rather sophisticated abilities, babies enter the world with a still-primitive cerebral cortex, and it is the gradual maturation of this complex part of the brain that explains much of their emotional and cognitive maturation in the first few years of life.

While babies come into the world with some very useful survival reflexes, they are still strikingly helpless, because the cerebral cortex is still quite immature. Although all of the neurons in the cortex are produced before birth, they are poorly connected. The cerebral cortex produces most of its synaptic connections after birth, in a massive burst of synapse formation known as the exuberant period. At its peak, the cerebral cortex creates an astonishing two million new synapses every second. With these new connections come a baby's many mental milestones, such as color vision, a pincer grasp, or a strong attachment to his parents.

By two years of age, a toddler's cerebral cortex contains well over a hundred trillion synapses. This period of synaptic exuberance varies in different parts of the cerebral cortex: it begins earlier in primary sensory regions, like the visual cortex or primary touch area of the cortex, while it takes off somewhat later in the temporal and frontal lobes, brain areas involved in higher cognitive and emotional functions. Nonetheless, the number of synapses remains at this peak, over-abundant level in all areas of the cerebral cortex throughout middle childhood (4-8 years of age). Beginning in the middle elementary school years and continuing until the end of adolescence, the number of synapses then gradually declines down to adult levels.

This pattern of synaptic production and pruning corresponds remarkably well to children's overall brain activity during development. Using PET imaging technology, neuroscientists have found dramatic changes in the level of energy use by children's brains over the first several years of life—from very low at birth, to a rapid rise and over-shoot between infancy and the early elementary school years, followed by a gradual decline to adult levels between middle childhood and the end of adolescence. In other words, children's brains are working very hard, especially during the period of synaptic exuberance that corresponds to the various critical periods in their mental development.

Besides synapse formation and pruning, the other most significant event in postnatal brain development is myelination. Newborns' brains contain very little myelin, a very dense, fatty substance that insulates axons much like the plastic sheath on a power cable, increasing the speed of electrical transmission and preventing cross-talk between adjacent nerve fibers. Myelination (the coating or covering of axons with myelin) begins around birth and is most rapid in the first two years but continues perhaps as late as 30 years of age. This lack of myelin is the main reason why babies and young children process information so much more slowly than adults. Myelination of the cerebral cortex begins in the primary motor and sensory areas—regions that receive the first input from the eyes, ears, nose, skin, and mouth—and then progresses to "higher-order," or association regions that control the more complex integration of perception, thoughts, memories, and feelings. Myelination is a very extended process: although most areas of the brain begin adding this critical insulation within the first two years of life, some of the more complex areas in the frontal and temporal lobes continue the process throughout childhood and perhaps well into a person's 20s. Unlike synaptic pruning, myelination appears to be largely "hard-wired."

            One way of measuring brain development is to look at the speed of neural processing. A newborn's brain works considerably more slowly than an adult's, transmitting information some sixteen times less efficiently. The speed of neural processing increases dramatically during infancy and childhood, reaching its maximum at about age fifteen. Most of this increase is due to the gradual myelination of nerve cell axons (the long "wires" that connect one neuron to another neuron's dendrites.)

 Implications : Brain is a very vital organ that should grow and develop parallel to the physical and motor development. It is the control center of not only the physical and motor aspect but also the cognitive and affective part of development. An example of the cognitive aspect is the language: infants and children who are conversed with, read to, and otherwise engaged in lots of verbal interaction show somewhat more advanced linguistic skills than children who are not as verbally engaged by their caregivers. Because language is fundamental to most of the rest of cognitive development, this simple action to children — talking and listening  — is one of the best ways to make the most of their critical brain-building years. Emotions are also controlled by the brain. It is best that children be taught how to handle and control their emotions. Thru proper guidance, children will grow up with normal to high EQ.





Julie C. Danofrata                                                                                           July 10, 2013

                                                                                                                        Prof. Mendoza






1. Describe human rights in your own words.


Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings whatever the nationality, color, ethnic, religion, language, status, etc. Meaning, all people are equally entitled to human rights without discrimination. These human rights are all interdependent and interrelated.



2. Name at least two rights of children and young persons. Briefly describe ways on how you can protect such right as an educator.


            Right to Protection from All Forms of Violence, including Sexual Exploitation


            As an educator, I can protect this right by inculcating good moral values to children and young adults., I will explain and give emphasis on the importance of their right not to be involved in activities or organizations that will cause physical, psychological nor emotional harm to them like hazing (in fraternities).I will advocate the anti bullying and cyber bullying act in the school and will encourage students to do the same thing.


            Right to Education


            This is one of the important human rights every child should experience. Whether a person comes from an indigent family or from an ethnic group, children are entitled to have a decent education in order to be productive citizen of the country.



3. Read RA 9344, RA 7610, RA 7658, RA 8049  and  RA 8353. Why are these laws important?


RA 9344 – Act Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System

RA 7610 – The Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse

RA 7658 – An Act Prohibiting the  Employment of Children Below 15 Years o Age

RA 8049 – An Act Regulating Hazing and Other Forms of Initiation Rites in Fraternities,    Sororities and Other Organizations and Providing Penalties Therefore.

RA 8353 – Anti Rape Law of 1997


            Almost half of the country’s population is composed of children aged 17 and below. This age group is considered vulnerable group and minors. They are unaware of their rights and unable to protect themselves. Because of this, the government has a major responsibility of protecting the rights of the children. Hence, the promulgation of these Republic Acts by the government, are guided by Section 13 Article I of the Philippine Constitution which embodies the promotion and protection of the children’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social being.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4th, Position Paper: RH Bill

Hi Class,

Do you agree with the RH Bill or Not? Please briefly describe your position. Limit your answer to 2 paragraphs only!

Doc Raqui

Sunday, June 30, 2013

3rd, Physical & Motor Dev, Part 2

Hi Class,

Please answer the following:

1. How is a child's perception different from an adult?
2. As a teacher, what would you do if you suspect that a child has ADHD?
3. How can teachers and school help a child who has developmental disabilities?

Doc Raqui

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sison, Fatima CAD Homework # 2

            Children under this stage experience physical changes,  especially that the increse in size of the different bady arts is very rapid.  These changes are evident with the direction of their growth - from head to toe (cephalocaudal) and from central to distal (proximodistal)
           With regards to the skills, generally a child's activity develop from gross motor skill, in which a bigger part of the body is being utilized through such activities and then gradually "narrows down" to fine motor skills where a more specific movement of the smaller limb could be traced (drawing, writing).  Later on this stage it still continue to enhance.
Explanation:  These are significant "milestones" for every child to accomplish as they are growing and developing as these are "basic" skills for an adult to consider.  If improper training of these skills were overlooked, chances are these "mistakes" could be practiced until adulthood which may impact the socialization and acquisition of maturity.

         On the physical aspect, an adolescent undergoes puberty when there is a rapid increase in the size and shape of different parts of the body (growth spurt), especially the maturity of sexual organs, as well as the secondary characteristics like telarche, lowering of the voice.
         Regarding skills, several extracurricular activities like arts, sprorts and music captures the interest of teens with reasons of skills enhancement od just simply for socializing.  At this stage, skills are more complex and it could encompass more aspect of learning like spatial intelligence, critical thinking, decision making and many more.

Explanation:  These aspects are very important to determine, as well as enhance, since this stage acts as a "bridge" from childhood to adulthood for a learner to have a meaningful and fruitful adolescence and hopefully results to a well-rounded, skillful and responsible adult.

   Brain Development
         Since it is in the human brain where all our cognition, emotions and skills are "seated", its growth and development is parallel to the physical and motor development of a child and adolescent.  Brain development from conception to fetal stage dictates the capacity of a child to acquire knowledge and skills during growth and development.  Adolescents also experience changes as well both physically and emotionally though the maturation of their glands and later in the secretion of hormones which made puberty possible at this stage.

Sison, Fatima CAD Homework # 1

1. Human rights, as a personal description, is one what really matters most which makes us human.  Under human rights are such acts that will regard an individual as humans and this ensures equality regardless of race, color or religion and preserves his/her self-respect, integrity, honor.  Human rights do not hinder one's eagerness to self-improvement but might as well be an instrument for the personal and professional growth

2.  Right to protection from all forms of violence including, sexual exploitation

Explanation:  Currently, the Department of Education shares this vision of every educators and learning institutes to eradicate all forms of violence such as bullying, cyber bullying, sexual exploitation and such, that compromises young people's mentality and innocence.  This is a very fortunate situation to all concerned:  educators, parents/guardians and learners as well to work hand in hand to create a safe and secure learning environment that will someday enhance the learners' full potentials.

3.  Right to Education/ Right to Freedom of Thought

Explanation: I personally think that these two could interrelate with one another.  It as important for the learners to have an authentic understanding from the knowledge that they acquire from education. Educators must keep in mind that we must be an inspiration for these students to express their concerns, critiques and personal opinions to the topics captured them the most.  One should protect this by continuing to enhance this kind of teaching strategy

4.  Children's Rights:

RA 9344 - Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act
RA 7610 - Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act
RA 7658 - Prohibition in the Employment of Children Below 15 Years of Age
RA 8049 - An Act Regulating Hazing and Other Form of Initiation Rites in Fraternities, Sororities, and Other Organization and Providing Penalties Therefore
RA 8353 - Anti Rape Law of 1997

Explanation:  I realized that these laws possibly that they have one objective, protecting children from all sorts of violence.  It could be situations very stressful to them that may elicit fear, anger, insecurities and some destructive emotions that could hinder their learning and effect the mental stability.  I conclusion,  these laws significantly work hand in hand to make sure every child live in a safe and comfortable environment for their optimal development.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rights of Children and Young Persons

  1. Human Rights are basic rights and freedom to which each individual is entitled to.
  2. First, I choose right to life. As a teacher, I believe that I can best promote this basic right by reminding my students that one should value his or her own life for it is God's greatest gift to man. Everyone should respect life may it be for the born or unborn.
  3. The second right that I would want to give a lot of thought to is the right to be protected from all  forms of violence. A lot of children nowadays are victims of bullying. Kids out there should and must know that they can do something about it. As a teacher, I never allow bullying in my class. I personally talk to my students and I encourage them to speak up whenever they feel uncomfortable about anything. Teasing, laughing when somebody is talking are prohibited in my classes. 
  4. RA 9344 - An Act Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System                                                                                
  5. RA 7610 - Protection Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination                                                                                         
  6. RA 7658 - An Act Prohibiting the Employment of Children Below 15 Years of Age in Public and Private Undertakings  
  7. RA 8049 - Anti-Hazing Law        
  8. RA 8353 - Anti - Rape Law           
  9. I believe that these laws are important because they protect children and young individuals against all sorts of violence and injustices. Young as they are, they cannot protect themselves physically so the government  came up with these laws to make sure that the youth are well taken cared of.
- Marica Manuel

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2nd, Physical and Motor Develoment

Hi Class,

1. Read Anonat (2009), pp. 22-46.

2.  Describe two major physical and motor developments of a child and adolescent. Explain the reasons for the significance of that two developments.

3. What is the role of the brain in the motor and physical development of a child and adolescent. Explain.

Doc Raqui

Friday, June 21, 2013

Right of the Children and Adolescent

1. Human rights are indispensable to all human beings, rich and poor, strong and weak, male and female, of all races and religions for us to live on the earth as a "real" human. There are many cases shown in the news that how important human rights are. For instance, some parents maltreat their children physically merely because of thinking they are their guardians so they can do anything on them. However. human rights come first before parental authority. Thus, I describe human rights as the utmost right which should be observed prior to anything.

2. Right to education and Right to freedom of thought. To protect these two rights as an educator, I must exert my endeavor into specializing in my field of study, so that I will be able to instruct my students with confidence and perfection. Moreover, I should be careful with being biased on one perspective, otherwise it will plant another one-sided thought in minds of my future students.

3.RA 9344 - the Act Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System.
RA 7610 - The Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse
RA 7658 - An Act Prohibiting the Employment of Children Below 15 Years of Age
RA 8049 - An Act Regulating Hazing and Other Forms of Initiation
RA 8353 - Anti-Rape law of 1997

Republic Act NO. 9344, 7610, 8049, and 8353 aims at protection of the growth and development of the adolescent. If RA 9344, 7610, 7658 does not exist, children will spend the rest of their live in jail without any chances given to start new lives and harshly abused in sexual and laborious ways under no protection of the law. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

1st, Rights of Children and Young Persons

Hi Class,

Please read CAD (Anonat, 2009) pp 1-21 and answer the following:

1. Describe human rights in your own words.
2. Name at least two Rights of Children and Young Persons. Briefly describe ways on how you can protect such rights as an educator.
3. Read RA 9344, RA 7610, RA 7658, RA 8049, and RA 8353.  Why are these laws important?

Doc Raqui