Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rights of Children and Young Persons

  1. Human Rights are basic rights and freedom to which each individual is entitled to.
  2. First, I choose right to life. As a teacher, I believe that I can best promote this basic right by reminding my students that one should value his or her own life for it is God's greatest gift to man. Everyone should respect life may it be for the born or unborn.
  3. The second right that I would want to give a lot of thought to is the right to be protected from all  forms of violence. A lot of children nowadays are victims of bullying. Kids out there should and must know that they can do something about it. As a teacher, I never allow bullying in my class. I personally talk to my students and I encourage them to speak up whenever they feel uncomfortable about anything. Teasing, laughing when somebody is talking are prohibited in my classes. 
  4. RA 9344 - An Act Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System                                                                                
  5. RA 7610 - Protection Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination                                                                                         
  6. RA 7658 - An Act Prohibiting the Employment of Children Below 15 Years of Age in Public and Private Undertakings  
  7. RA 8049 - Anti-Hazing Law        
  8. RA 8353 - Anti - Rape Law           
  9. I believe that these laws are important because they protect children and young individuals against all sorts of violence and injustices. Young as they are, they cannot protect themselves physically so the government  came up with these laws to make sure that the youth are well taken cared of.
- Marica Manuel

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