Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2nd, Physical and Motor Develoment

Hi Class,

1. Read Anonat (2009), pp. 22-46.

2.  Describe two major physical and motor developments of a child and adolescent. Explain the reasons for the significance of that two developments.

3. What is the role of the brain in the motor and physical development of a child and adolescent. Explain.

Doc Raqui


  1. 2. MOTOR development of a child and adolescent
    Differences in ontogenetic biological development have two main sets of causes. The first are individual, genetically programmed predispositions to the pace (dynamics) and level (kinetics) of biological development as well as living conditions in childhood and adolescence. The others are include multidimensional interactions and interdependencies between the genotype and the environment. In consequence, the genotype determines the patterns of body’s reactions to specific environmental conditions, and the environment determines what parts of these norms can be used by particular genotypes
    The motor development of children and adolescents, manifested by their physical fitness, is a complex of genetic, somatic, motor and behavioral components. These components are also affected by such social and family factors as income and education level, parents’ occupation, place of residence, family size or ethnicity. These factors can also indirectly – in combination with socio-economic conditions and lifestyles – modify the motor development of youth.

    Physical development of Adolescent
    Adolescents experience a tremendous amount of physical growth and development. This rapid physical development begins during the prior developmental stage called Puberty and continues during adolescence. The reader may wish to review the article on Puberty for a more complete understanding of these physical changes and a more detailed explanation of chemical and hormonal factors that trigger these physical changes.
    This section will identify the typical, average ages when youth reach certain developmental milestones; but, it is important to keep in mind that individual youth will develop according to their body's own timetable. As such, a youth's development may not always follow these averages but their development may still be considered healthy and normal. If parents have concerns about their child's growth or development, they should discuss these concerns with their child's health care provider.

    3.The brain is the coordinator of our whole body. Therefore, when our physical development occurs our brain development occurs as well. Our brain has the ability to retain memories and past events of our lives. So whatever a child remembered in his/her childhood days whether it is good or bad a child will carry it throughout their adolescent and it will serve as the ingredient in terms of their personality, attitude and views in life.

  2. PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF A CHILD : Physical development is how a human body grows and develops over a length of time. it also monitored closely in young children.
    gross motor skills: Children stop “toddling,” or using an awkward, wide-gaited stance, between two and three years of age, instead adopting a smoother gait, according to Oswalt. Other physical skills acquired at these ages include running, jumping, hopping, and catching and throwing with larger balls. Three- and four-year-olds learn to climb stairs by bringing both feet together on each step, although the child may still be unsteady and need assistance. At this age as well, children gain better upper body mobility, improving the speed and accuracy of their catching and throwing. By four or five, the child can climb and descend stairs using the adult method of placing one foot after another on each stair, and by five and six children begin to master the jungle gym, start jumping rope and skating, and start learning to play organized sports. while fine motor skills: Two- and three-year-old children start creating things with their hands, such as towers built out of blocks and shapes molded out of clay, and can scribble with pen or crayon. This is also the period when the child starts to become right- or left-handed by showing a preference for one hand. Three- and four-year-old children gain independence in dressing themselves as they start to manipulate zippers and snaps, and refine their eating skills by using forks and spoons. By four or five, the child can use buttons by himself and can draw stick figures and copy shapes like circles, squares and large letters. Five- to seven-year-olds have the ability to print letters and numbers, necessary for school, and can complete self-care tasks such as brushing their teeth and combing their hair.

    PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENT: Adolescence brings forth many transitions for teenagers and their families. To help teenagers navigate through those transitions successfully, it is important that they understand the changes that are occurring throughout their body. Teenagers experience some dramatic physical milestones as they move from childhood to adolescence, so they need some guidance and understanding. Girls reach puberty before boys. At this age, girls begin to form breasts. They will also grow pubic hair. Boys will also grow pubic hair. The average height a child grows during puberty is 8 inches. Girls will start their menstrual cycle between the age of 11 and 13. Your child will enter a growth spurt during puberty and may grow to almost his full height. Males will secrete testosterone, and their voices will become deep due to an increase in muscle development.

    MOTOR DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENT : During this development stage the body, for both male and females, undergoes a tremendous amount of change. It is at the stage of life where hormones are released within and through the body causes dramatically changes to occur - maturity of the reproductive organs begins, body tissues develop, physiological changes but our primary focus here is the changes in motor performance.Motor development is just one window to a child's world. To fully understand a child's world it is important also to consider the perceptual and cognitive development of the child.

    The human brain is an organ of our central nervous system. The brain's role is to filter information and stimulate our response. The physiology and psychology of our behavior is influenced by the chemistry of the brain. brain controls judgment, awareness, personality, and emotions.

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  4. 2. Two major physical development of child and adolescent is in height and weight. Growth of a child is usually following a cephalocaudal trend where head starts growing rapidly, followed by the trunk then the legs and in proximodistal direction where growth takes place from the inner part to the peripheral. In adolescent stage, there is a sharp increase in their height and weight or the adolescent growth spurt. Other physical changes includes widening of shoulders and development of facial hair for boys and widening of pelvis and development of breasts in girls.

    Motor development refers to the development of a child’s bones, muscles and ability to move around and manipulate his or her environment. Motor development can be divided into two sections: gross motor development and fine motor development. Gross motor development involves the development of the large muscles in the child’s body. These muscles allow us to sit, stand, walk and run, among other activities while fine motor development involves the small muscles of the body, especially in the hand.

    Significance: Physical and Motor development is significant to a growing child because this will prepare him or her for his adulthood. It is said that many kinds of adult skills and behavior are acquired during childhood.

    3. The brain is the center of the nervous system. It is the control center for movement, hunger, thirst and other activities necessary for survival. All human emotions such as love, anger, fear, happiness and sadness are controlled by the brain.

    The brain is responsible in transmitting signals to other parts of the body so it would react to hunger or pain. For example, when a new born child is hungry, it cries, so it will be fed by its parents.

    Since the brain has all the control in every human movement, it plays an important role in the development of child's and adolescent's physical and motor development. Through the help of brain, a child or adolescent can easily surpass each stages in life. All that a child or adolescent learned from his experiences (good or bad) will be stored in his memory. This would eventually be his guide until he reaches adulthood.

  5. 2. Physical and Motor Development of the child

    There are two major physical developments of the child. First, the progressive differential growth-first the head, then the trunk, then the legs- has been designated by the term “cephalocaudal(from head to foot)”. Second, at the same time as the body has been on the increase in length, it has also been growing in a “proximodistal” direction, that is, from the central part to the peripheral.

    In the early childhood stage, there are some common skills which are called “Hand skills(Self-feeding, Self-dressing, Self-grooming)” and “Play skills(jumping, climbing, riding tricycles)”. As the patterns of motor control, especially, Eye control, Smiling, and Head holding occurs in head region; Rolling and Sitting happens in trunk region. In the late childhood stage, Height and weight increases, body proportion changes, and a child normally has twenty-eight of the thirty-two permanent teeth. Moreover, Hurlock classified the late childhood skills into: self-help skills, social-help skills, school skills, play skills, and Handedness.

    Physical and Motor Development of the adolescent

    In the childhood, boys and girls of the same are nearly the same height. But the boy’s growth erupt during adolescence is obviously greater. The spurt of muscle width reaches a peak velocity of growth in boys greater than that reached by girls. The shapes of the face which have been altering increasingly throughout childhood, show predominantly marked changes. In both sexes, strength increases, although the increase is proportionately much more superior in boys than in girls.

    The first reason for the significance of those two developments is that there is the conviction that people can comprehend adult personality as studying the growth and development of the child. Second, many kinds of adult skills and behavior are come from the childhood. Third, there is the requirement to study the child and adolescent in his own right as an organism from an adult. Lastly, disadvantages of late growth rate and abnormal development are issued and occur in the world. If we are to study the physical and motor development of a child and adolescent, we can solve the problems in a proper and better ways.

    3. In the brain, there are certain parts that take the role in the motor and physical development of a child and adolescent. First, the cerebellum is indispensable to the control of movement of the human body in space. Thus, all motor activity, from hitting a baseball to fingering a violin, depends on the cerebellum. Second, the hypothalamus manages the body’s vital activities such as eating, drinking, temperature regulation, sleep, emotional behavior, and sexual activity. Additionally, the hypothalamus activates the hormonal processes that produce the adolescent growth spurt and sexual maturity. Lastly, the limbic system controls many-sided behavior, including emotional expression, seizure activity, and memory storage and recall.

  6. Answers: #2
    2. Describe two major physical and motor developments of a child and adolescent. Explain the reasons for the significance of that two developments.

    Physical and Motor Development of a Child
    Child learn to walk, take solid foods, talk, control elimination of body wastes, sex difference and sexual modesty, relate emotionally to parents, siblings and others, distinguish right from wrong and developing a conscience, form concepts of social and physical reality. They also learn physical skills for ordinary games; building wholesome attitude towards oneself, learning to get along with age-mates. They learn an appropriate masculine and feminine role, developing fundamentals skills in reading, writing and calculating and developing concepts necessary for everyday living. They are achieving personal independence (CENE 2009).

    Physical and Motor Development of a Adolescent
    They achieve new and more mature relations with age-mates of both gender, achieving masculine and feminine social role, accepting one’s physique and using the body effectively. They achieve emotional independence from parents, selecting and preparing for occupation, preparing for marriage and family life. They develop intellectual skills necessary for civic competence, acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to behavior(CENE 2009).

    Thus, it is important to recognize the development of a child or adolescent to identify the needs and the role of the educators to enhance it. It’s also an indicator of the problem occurring in an individual to address it immediately.

    3. What is the role of the brain in the motor and physical development of a child and adolescent? Explain.
    The Nervous System is the center of thinking, memory, judgment, sensation, movement, cognition, communication, behavior and personality (Ignatavicius, 2006). Basically the brain is a part of the nervous system, the brain send signals to the different body system to start cephalo-caudal growth of an individual. If the brain was not developed properly problem may arise from the child or adolescent. Hence, brain plays a major role in child or adolescent growth and development.

  7. 1. Motor skills can be divided into two categories: first as basic skills (crawling, walking, running, etc.) necessary for everyday life and secondly, as recreational skills (writing, dancing, acting, etc.) necessary for employment or certain specialties based on interest.

    2. The function of the brain is to exert centralized control over the other organs of the body. The brain acts on the rest of the body either by generating patterns of muscle activity or by driving secretion of chemicals called hormones. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environment. Some basic types of responsiveness such as reflexes can be mediated by the spinal cord or peripheral ganglia, but sophisticated purposeful control of behavior based on complex sensory input requires the information-integrating capabilities of a centralized brain. ( from wikipedia.org)

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  9. Physical and motor development
    By: Jerome Anthony Chuatoco

    1. Two important physical developments in a child is the development of their height and body proportion. Body proportion is the comparison between the ratio of the size of one portion of the body part to another. Height is the vertical measurement of a child. Monitoring both height and body proportions is important because by monitoring these two, we can determine if a child has health problems or disabilities. The normal annual growth in the height of a student is 2 to 3 inches. Making an eleven year old girl or boy stand 57 - 58 inches tall. Meanwhile, proportion-wise, the head is proportionally bigger than the rest of the body. The other parts of the body undergo changes as the person grows older. From here on, a person suffering from health problems, abnormality, or disability can show signs by manifesting visual imbalances in both height or body proportion. He can show lack of height which may come from not getting much nutrition or bodily stress, while certain illnesses can cause a limb to grow out of proportion. Motor development highlights a child's skills and ability to move. Development under motor goes to the muscles, the eyes, bones and the brain. It is more of hand and eye coordination. Good motor development results to better skill development. The brain, muscle, and other supporting body systems can coordinate better if a person has good motor development. From the birth of a child where it is unable to do much, it slowly learns skills such as holding its bottle. After a few more month, the child will be able to sit and feed himself until he is able to eat just like a full grown adult.

    2. The brain plays the most importand role in both motor and physical development. The brain will determine the outcome of both physical and motor development. The brain itself is the one that grows and develops when development takes place in any part of the body. It is the centerof the nervous system and therefore is responsible for all the decision making, movement, even growth, specially mental growth. The will of person comes from the brain itself. If a person decides to be less active (such as playing video games or just watching tv) or develops bad eating habits, then his physical development may be negatively affected. In the same way if the brain has some disability or impairment, this will affect the development of his motor skills.

  10. Describe two major physical and motor developments of a child and adolescent. Explain the reasons for the significance of that two developments.

    => 2 Major Physical development of a child is their patterns of growth or increase in physical size; vision and hearing or the refinement of the senses. As a child mature, parents eagerly await important milestones of their child like the increase of their physical size we'll be able to determine if a child is growing accordingly to age of if there are any abnormalities. The second is the refinement of the senses, where infants at 1 to 2 months of age hear and understand words like no and don't. It's important for parents to see that their senses are functioning well.

    => 2 Major Motor Development of a child is the gross motor skills which involves larger muscles including arms and legs. Action requires gross motor skills like running, walking, balance and coordination. The 2nd development is the fine motor skills involve the smaller muscles in the fingers, toes, eyes and other areas. Children should begin to exhibit these motor skills at a fairly consistent rate unless some type of disability is present.

    What is the role of the brain in the motor and physical development of a child and adolescent. Explain.

    =>The role of the brain is to help a young child to develop motor control and its physical development because if the brain doesn't function clearly it will show with the child's performance.


  11. 2. Describe two major physical and motor developments of a child and adolescent. Explain the reasons for the significance of that two developments.

    As the baby grows, it develops physically and mentally. The baby’s change in size is accompanied with developmental changes in patterns of growth and behavior. The developmental pattern of growth is seen in the direction and growth rates of the individual. The head starts growing at a very rapid rate almost immediately after conception. The trunk is next in growth rate, and then the legs and arms. There is also the growth in body organs. Some skills also develop during early childhood stage like hand skills and play skills. Changes in height, weight, body proportion, homeliness, muscle-fat ratio, and teeth are evident. During late childhood years, self-help skills, social-help skills, school skills, play skills, and handedness are being developed. At puberty, a considerable alteration in growth rate occurs. There is a swift increase in body size, a change in shape and composition of the body, and a rapid development of the gonads, or sex glands--- the reproductive organs and the character signalling sexual maturity.

    3. What is the role of the brain in the motor and physical development of a child and adolescent. Explain.
    The brain is responsible for all mental functions. The brain is the control center for movement, sleep, hunger, thirst, and virtually every other vital activity necessary to survival. All human emotions, including love, hate, fear, anger, elation, and sadness are controlled by the brain. It also receives and interprets the countless signals that are sent to it from other parts of the body and from the external environment. Therefore, without the brain, human beings cannot survive because the brain governs all the important functions needed for survival.



    Physically, between birth and age three a child typically doubles in height and quadruples in weight. Bodily proportions also shift, so that the infant, whose head accounts for almost one-fourth of total body length, becomes a toddler with a more balanced, adult-like appearance. Despite these rapid physical changes, the typical three-year-old has mastered many skills, including sitting, walking, toilet training, using a spoon, scribbling, and sufficient hand-eye coordination to catch and throw a ball.

    The adolescent years are another period of accelerated growth. Individuals can grow up to four inches and gain eight to ten pounds per year. This growth spurt is most often characterized by two years of fast growth, followed by three or more years of slow, steady growth. By the end of adolescence, individuals may gain a total of seven to nine inches in height and as much as forty or fifty pounds in weight. The timing of this growth spurt is not highly predictable; it varies across both individuals and gender. In general, females begin to develop earlier than do males.

    Motor skills are movements and actions of the muscles. They are categorized in two groups: gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills involve movement of the arms, legs, feet, or entire body. This includes actions such as running, crawling, walking, swimming, and other activities that involve larger muscles. Fine motor skills are the small movements that occur in the hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips and tongue. They are the smaller actions that occur such as picking up objects between the thumb and finger, using a pencil to write carefully, holding a fork and using it to eat, and other small muscle tasks that occur on a daily basis.

    These two motor skills develop together and strongly involve coordination. Through each developmental stage of a child’s life, toddler, preschool, and school age, motor skills will gradually develop and between age 6 and 12 children typically will have mastered basic fine motor skills. They will keep developing with age and with practice and the increased use of muscles while playing sports, playing an instrument, using the computer, and writing.

    The importance of these two developments is that without them or if there is a late growth rate, it could create social and psychological difficulties in an individual. It is also important that the child and adolescent acquired these developments to able them to prepare for adulthood.

    3. The brain is like a central computer that controls all the functions of your body. The function of the brain is to exert centralized control over the other organs of the body. The brain acts on the rest of the body both by generating patterns of muscle activity and by driving secretion of chemicals called hormones. This centralized control allows rapid and coordinated responses to changes in the environment.

    In young children, the brain is highly adaptable. In fact, when one part of a young child's brain is injured, another part may learn to take over some of the lost function. But as we age, the brain has to work harder to make new neural pathways, making it more difficult to master new tasks or change established behavior patterns. That's why many scientists believe it's important to keep challenging your brain to learn new things and make new connections — it helps keep the brain active over the course of a lifetime.


  13. Madelaine D. Tan.

    #2. Describe two major physical and motor developments of a child and adolescent. Explain the reasons of that two development.
    Even still in the womb, the development of a human being follows a special pattern- pre-natal to post-natal and up to the adolescent age.
    The first pattern is called the “Cephalo-caudal,” which means that the control of the body as well as the improvement in the structure itself, develops first in the head and progresses later to regions further from the head.
    The second pattern is called the “ Proximodistal”, wherein the developmental sequence starts from the center to the peripheral segments of the body.
    In the early childhood, he gains control of his movements. Reaching out for things begin when he gain control of his head and arms. Gaining control of his trunk and hands enables him to sit, grasp, transfer and manipulate objects. The control on his legs and feet enables him to stand upright. He then begin to run and walk. He develops his speech and learn to communicate with other people.
    In the adolescent stage, boys and girls undergo changes in their physical bodies. There is widening of hips, development of breast, beginning of menstruation, etc. for girls. The boys grow taller, there’s the development of broad shoulders, the voice change, appearance of hairs in the lower and upper chin etc. They become more active, like engaging in physical activities like sports. On this so called “awkward” age the ability to cope on various situations good or bad will depend on what they experienced on their childhood. As they matures, they become more independent and begin to make their own decisions and begin solving their own problems without supervision and guidance from parents or adults.

    3. The brain is a part of the central nervous system that controls our movement, human emotions, and all our activities. It receives and interprets the countless signals that are sent to it from the other parts of the body and from the external environment. From conception to adolescence, they must be nourished properly for them to be healthy. A healthy child or adolescent can perform well in any activity he/she engages to. Our brain restores memories and past experiences whether it is good or bad. It will have an effect on the performance or outcome of a person- failure or successful as he/she reach maturity.

  14. Physical and Motor Development

    - The manifestation of physical development is seen in the growth of both the height and weight of the child. In the earliest stage, the lengthening of the neck and torso comes first and is by then followed by the legs.
    Another can be seen with the development of the senses and that of hand-eye coordination wherein children will be able to engage in activities including vision.
    Motor development improves with age; such motor skills involve large muscle movements along with fine motor skills, controlled by the small muscles. Examples of motor development can be seen when children are able to write in print then in cursive.

    - The brain plays a pivotal role since it controls and is in-charge of all bodily functions. It is responsible in sending signals to other parts of the body and it also controls emotions.

  15. 1. The two major developments of a child in term of physical features are the formation of its body organ and the change of its size, on the other hand the adolescents experiences the widening the hips and breast development for the female and broadening of the shoulders and the growth of facial hairs for the male. In terms of motor developments during childhood period a baby learns how to sit and walk, while in the adolescent period they are now able to do hard tasks such as lifting heavy objects and participating on a physical games. The significance of these developments is that through these stages of life we are able to know the things and tasks that we should give to them. Also we are able assess if they are experiencing late or advance developments.

    2. As we all know the brain is center of our nervous system which means that it is the responsible for the processing of information in our body. If our brain is not working or functioning properly it will affect the whole body system. Example the cerebrum and cerebellum are damage then definitely our movements or motor ability will also be affected.

  16. Sison, Fatima CAD Homework # 2
    Children under this stage experience physical changes, especially that the increse in size of the different bady arts is very rapid. These changes are evident with the direction of their growth - from head to toe (cephalocaudal) and from central to distal (proximodistal)
    With regards to the skills, generally a child's activity develop from gross motor skill, in which a bigger part of the body is being utilized through such activities and then gradually "narrows down" to fine motor skills where a more specific movement of the smaller limb could be traced (drawing, writing). Later on this stage it still continue to enhance.

    Explanation: These are significant "milestones" for every child to accomplish as they are growing and developing as these are "basic" skills for an adult to consider. If improper training of these skills were overlooked, chances are these "mistakes" could be practiced until adulthood which may impact the socialization and acquisition of maturity.

    On the physical aspect, an adolescent undergoes puberty when there is a rapid increase in the size and shape of different parts of the body (growth spurt), especially the maturity of sexual organs, as well as the secondary characteristics like telarche, lowering of the voice.
    Regarding skills, several extracurricular activities like arts, sprorts and music captures the interest of teens with reasons of skills enhancement od just simply for socializing. At this stage, skills are more complex and it could encompass more aspect of learning like spatial intelligence, critical thinking, decision making and many more.

    Explanation: These aspects are very important to determine, as well as enhance, since this stage acts as a "bridge" from childhood to adulthood for a learner to have a meaningful and fruitful adolescence and hopefully results to a well-rounded, skillful and responsible adult.

    Brain Development
    Since it is in the human brain where all our cognition, emotions and skills are "seated", its growth and development is parallel to the physical and motor development of a child and adolescent. Brain development from conception to fetal stage dictates the capacity of a child to acquire knowledge and skills during growth and development. Adolescents also experience changes as well both physically and emotionally though the maturation of their glands and later in the secretion of hormones which made puberty possible at this stage.
