Wednesday, July 10, 2013





Julie C. Danofrata                                                                                           July 10, 2013

                                                                                                                        Prof. Mendoza






1. Describe human rights in your own words.


Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings whatever the nationality, color, ethnic, religion, language, status, etc. Meaning, all people are equally entitled to human rights without discrimination. These human rights are all interdependent and interrelated.



2. Name at least two rights of children and young persons. Briefly describe ways on how you can protect such right as an educator.


            Right to Protection from All Forms of Violence, including Sexual Exploitation


            As an educator, I can protect this right by inculcating good moral values to children and young adults., I will explain and give emphasis on the importance of their right not to be involved in activities or organizations that will cause physical, psychological nor emotional harm to them like hazing (in fraternities).I will advocate the anti bullying and cyber bullying act in the school and will encourage students to do the same thing.


            Right to Education


            This is one of the important human rights every child should experience. Whether a person comes from an indigent family or from an ethnic group, children are entitled to have a decent education in order to be productive citizen of the country.



3. Read RA 9344, RA 7610, RA 7658, RA 8049  and  RA 8353. Why are these laws important?


RA 9344 – Act Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System

RA 7610 – The Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse

RA 7658 – An Act Prohibiting the  Employment of Children Below 15 Years o Age

RA 8049 – An Act Regulating Hazing and Other Forms of Initiation Rites in Fraternities,    Sororities and Other Organizations and Providing Penalties Therefore.

RA 8353 – Anti Rape Law of 1997


            Almost half of the country’s population is composed of children aged 17 and below. This age group is considered vulnerable group and minors. They are unaware of their rights and unable to protect themselves. Because of this, the government has a major responsibility of protecting the rights of the children. Hence, the promulgation of these Republic Acts by the government, are guided by Section 13 Article I of the Philippine Constitution which embodies the promotion and protection of the children’s physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social being.


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