Hi Class,
A. Describe your agreement/disagreement on Noam Chomsky's Theory: Universal Language (UL)and Language Acquisition Device (LAD). Explain.
B. Name three principles in teaching using the 4 Maxims (quantity, quality, relevance & manner) in linguistic and literacy development. Be sure to give example.
Doc Raqui
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ReplyDeleteA. Describe your agreement/disagreement on Noam Chomsky's Theory: Universal Language (UL)and Language Acquisition Device (LAD)Explain.
ReplyDeleteI may agree that everyone has the capacity to learn on their own.We live in an instant gratification society.any child can learn to speak a foreign language children learn to speak the language of their parents about the time they take their first steps, when the child learns the language of his parents whether Japanese, German or American English that language is a foreign language to the child. Amazingly that children can learn to communicate in numerous foreign languages before the age of 6 Noam Chomsky, who hypothesized that children are born with a special ability to process language through an innate language acquisition device.Well in this case i don’t agree on his theories because in our brain development there is a device w/c is centered in the frontal left hemisphere of the brain, although the entire brain participates in language functions. The device contains the principles that are universal to all languages. This language acquisition device is activated in an infant’s brain when in the presence of parents, guardians and siblings. A baby doesn’t learn a language by conjugating verbs or memorizing dialogues. The ability to comprehend, produce, and manipulate language is probably the single distinguishing characteristic separating humans from other primates.
B. Name three principles in teaching using the 4 Maxims (quantity, quality, relevance & manner) in linguistic and literacy development. Be sure to give example.
Be clear, brief and orderly. Example: Constance : Are you coming to the party tonight? Sophia: I’ve got exam tomorrow. Apparently this exchange have no relevance but by using these Maxims we can analyze the discourse as: 1. Maxim of Quantity:- information is that Sophia has exams 2. Maxim of Quality: She is describing a fact of her exams. 3. Maxim of Relation: It is the reason why she could not come to the party 4. Maxim of Manner: A clear cut refusal. The following can be the intended meaning: Tomorrow: Exam To night : Study, Preparation Tonight : No party Intended meaning : Refusal The analysis of the above statement shows the use of maxims of co- cooperation in Discourse Analysis.
1. I agree with Noam Chomsky's theory that human have an innate ability to learn laguage, that its in their genes. Environment plays an important role in learning language. Children who's more exposed in language are most likely learn the laguage more than those who are not exposed to language.
ReplyDelete2. Be systematic - starting with the most basic skill to a more advanced skills. Example: In reading, start with aplhabet followed by phonetics, the sight words then with comprehension.
Be consise - use fewer instruction to make it easier for students to understand. Example: In essay writing, encourage students to use simpler terms where they can more express themselves
Create opportunities for discussion - this will enhance thinking and reasoning skills of students. Example: Debates
A. Describe your agreement/disagreement on Noam Chomsky's Theory: Universal Language (UL) and Language Acquisition Device (LAD). Explain.
ReplyDeleteUniversal Language (UL) proposes that learning grammar is innate to human beings, and Language Acquisition Device (LAD) refers to the neurological predisposition to learn language. I absolutely agree that it is innate to all of us to learn a language. However, I also think that the environment plays a vital role in learning a language. In addition, the environment where we belong activate these devices in our brain so that we can speak the target language.
B. Name three principles in teaching using the 4 Maxims (quantity, quality, relevance & manner) in linguistic and literacy development. Be sure to give example.
The first principle is learning by doing. In order for the students to learn and understand what they are studying, they have to apply or do it in real life situation. For example, instead of just asking students to read books on cooking, why not ask them to cook for real. Another principle is understanding before memorizing. The students should understand whatever they memorized. Lastly, teach them what they need in real life. The lessons must be relevant to the needs of the society where they belong.
A. Describe your agreement/disagreement on Noam Chomsky's Theory: Universal Language (UL) and Language Acquisition Device (LAD). Explain.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Noam Chomsky`s theory: Universal Grammar (UG) and Language Acquisition Device (LAD). I agree that an individual’s ability to learn language and grammar is common to everyone and the brain is pre-programmed to adapt to the language of its surroundings. Noam Chomsky said that “the environment in which children grow up does not affect whether or not they will learn language, but simply which language. The rate at which language develops from the onset may vary, but the environment will not change its course. As long as a child is exposed to language, the inborn tendencies will be activated.” For instance, if a child lives in a desert island even without his parents, he cannot use any language and grammar. The child might just learn the language he sees, that is, the language used by animals. However, on condition that he transfers where people live, he will surely learn a language because he has LAD and UG. It can be also seen in the process a baby grows. Even thought a baby does not learn any language, he can speak based on what he heard from people and finally communicate with others.
B. Name three principles in teaching using the 4 Maxims (quantity, quality, relevance & manner) in linguistic and literacy development. Be sure to give example.
Be clear, brief, and orderly. For example, a foreigner is asking for directions. He says, “Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Seoul?” The person being asked answers, “I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I am not really familiar with this place.”
Maxim of Quantity: The person asked answered briefly. He gave the information in the shortest way possible.
Maxim of Quality: The person replied in an understandable way. He didn’t use complicated words. He even gave his reason.
Maxim of Relevance: The person stated the relevant information about the question. Since he didn’t know about the place very much, he just said it directly. Other information can just confuse the asker.
Maxim of Manner: The person answered in a polite manner. He apologized immediately, then answered the question truthfully.
A. Yes, I agree with Noam Chomsky’s “Innatist Theory” on Language Acquisition Device (LAD) which suggests that humans have an inborn capacity to acquire language. This means that human beings are genetically preprogrammed for language acquisition. Being a rational animal, human beings have that inherent ability to learn language as long as they are exposed to it through everyday communication. Unlike other animals such as dogs and cats kept as family pets, even though they are exposed everyday to the language that humans use, those animals can never learn and acquire human language. Furthermore, Chomsky attested that the environment in which children grow up does not affect whether or not they will learn language, but simply which language. This explains why the Americans communicate in English and the Filipinos communicate in Tagalog or whatever dialect is used in that particular region from which they came (Cebuano, Ilonggo, Ilocano, Bicolano, etc.). I also agree with Chomsky’s Universal Grammar (UG) Theory, which suggests that the ability to learn grammar is hard-wired into the brain; and that linguistic ability manifests itself without being taught and that there are properties that all natural human languages share. This means that even if a person is not fluent in using a certain language, he can still communicate with mild success using that particular language.
ReplyDeleteB. In the linguistic and literacy development of the students, teachers must: (1) Know why they teach the subjects Grammar and Literature; this has something to do with the objectives or purpose or RELEVANCE of learning the linguistic and literacy subjects. Teachers must imbibe in their students the importance of literacy/linguistic ability and its essential role in their lives. (2) Know what to teach; this has something to do with the teachers’ mastery of the linguistic and literacy subjects. The amount or QUANTITY of the lessons for learning must be thoroughly sorted by the teachers, they must have the ability to detect and eliminate irrelevant topics. (3) Know how to teach; this has something to do with the methods and techniques teachers apply in their teaching. The QUALITY and MANNER of teaching must be taken into consideration in order to guarantee the success of the linguistic and literacy learning of the students.
A. Describe your agreement/disagreement on Noam Chomsky's Theory: Universal Language (UL) and Language Acquisition Device (LAD). Explain.
ReplyDeleteThe Innatist theory of Universal Grammar and Language Acquisition Device which postulates that humans have an innate ability to acquire language; they are genetically preprogrammed for it. All normally developing children acquire language. My stand is in the middle. I believe that every individual has been a capacity to learn innately also when it comes with acquiring knowledge. Some children can speak without proper training, it comes innately. But we cannot deny the fact that environment played great role in speech of a person (how to say it, when to say it and the principles). It depends on their culture, family and people that surround the person. Each person has a capability to adapt, specifically when repeatedly exposed to it. Thus, our innate factors and environment helps a person to acquire the language.
B. Name three principles in teaching using the 4 Maxims (quantity, quality, relevance & manner) in linguistic and literacy development. Be sure to give example.
ReplyDeletePrinciples in Teaching
1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner. The quantity may depend on the perception of the learner, which may depend on the need to acquire a certain language. The quality may still depend on the learner, unless what was being taught has a personal meaning for the individual, he will shut it out from his field of perception. (Salandanan, 2007). The process of acquiring the linguistic and literacy are dependent on the learner. It may visual or by hearing (repetitive). This particular is very relevant to acquisition of language because it would depend on the learner’s effort to learn the language. For example, for babies to learn to say “daddy”, they would start to say “da” then “dada” eventually “daddy”. Their effort to say it that develops the manner of speaking. Another, for acquiring second language, a person should make time to study the translation, internalize then practice it repeatedly eventually application.
2. Learning is a cooperation and collaborative process. According to Salandanan (2007), cooperative approaches are enabling. This is true for language acquisition. The quantity should be repeatedly because collaboration means two or more person. A good example, conversing with their parents (first language) or talking with a foreigner or native speaker who knows a different language to acquire second language. When it comes with quality the result is good because when conversing to different people (either familiar or not), it would help to develop the manner of speaking or even to acquire the language. Through cooperative approaches people learn to define goals, to plan to interact and to try group arrangements in problem solving.
3. Learning (behavioral change) is a consequence of experience. People become responsible when they have really assumed responsibility, they become independent when they have experienced independent behavior, they become able when they have experience success, they begin to feel important to somebody, they feel liked when someone likes them. (Salandanan, 2007). The quantity, it varies because experiences or situations may vary as well, the source may be the direct experience or indirect (coming from people around us). When, it comes with quality, it may two different aspects: for example whether direct or indirect experience when the person perceives the need or not need to acquire language, the quality may be good or not that good. People do not change their behavior merely because someone tells them to do so or tells them how to change.
4. Learning is sometimes a painful process. According to Salandanan, 2007, behavioral change often calls for giving up the old and comfortable ways of believing, thinking and valuing. It is not easy to discard familiar ways of doing things and incorporate new behavior. It’s highly relevant to language acquisition because learning the language may be difficult with having speech problems (sound of r, s, ch and the like) or having impairments (cleft lip). These kind of situation is painful because it affects the manner of acquiring the language, perceiving it’s not say right or say right but doesn’t sound the right. Another, it is sometimes time consuming, specifically acquiring new knowledge. The quantity may vary if a person has speech problems, impairments or times to give up a certain activities to acquire language. The quality is good because of the perceived need to learn language, a person sacrifice some activities. We can say for those having speech problems or impairments, they are driven to make an effort to correct it or to sound like the right words. Though, it is accompanied by sacrifice, inconvenience and discomfort, it leads to inner joy.
1. i agree that an individual has their own innate ability to learn a language.children are biologically programmed for language and that language develops in the child in just the same way that other biological functions do. children are born with a special ability to discover for themselves the underlying rules of a language system.
1. be honest-if a student asked you a question and you really don't know the answer, tell him/her that you don't know but will get back to him/her as soon as possible with the answers
2. mastery of the subject- if a student asked a question, the teacher must be able to answer it directly.
3. be updated about the subject matter-if a student asked a question the teacher must be able to provide the latest information due to books also are updating
1.I conformed to Noam Chomsky’s theory that all children are born with a universal grammar, which makes them receptive to the common features of all languages. Because of this hard-wired background in grammar, children easily pick up a language when they are exposed to its particular grammar. When we are babies, we already have the skills to learn to speak. And as we grow old together with our parents/family, we learn gradually the language, i.e. every simple, single word, the meaning of the word and it’s proper pronounciation. As we become mature, more complex words are learned plus other language as well.
a.Learning is highly unique and individual – each individual in different from another. They are unique in their own simple ways. Just like learning the language, people differ in the degree in which they learn or acquire the capability to speak a language. The more they are exposed to the environment, the more and faster they adapt the language. This is the same with being brief and orderly, avoiding obscurity of expression and avoiding ambiguity.
Example: Me an: When are you going to repaint the house?
You an: When I’m became a painter.
You an violated the Maxim of Manner because he is being obscure as to when he is really going to repaint the house. He used sarcasm, but trying to have humor at the same time. He is also being ambiguous.
b.Learning is an emotional as well as an intellectual process – emotional aspect should also be taken into consideration since it can be a barrier to communication. In order to achieve maximum learning between students and teachers, emotions of student should be dealt properly by the teachers.
c.Richest resources for learning is the learner himself – it should always remember that each learner has their own storage of experiences, ideas, feelings and attitudes. The teacher should make it a point to involve each student drawing out their ideas, feelings and experiences to maximize their learning.
Example : J An : How long until the celebration?
Mother: We are about to clean.
The answer is irrelevant. The tone was very affirmative and sarcastic which makes her body language negative. The mother used the linguistic signal of pointing to what she wanted her to clean so she signaled a change in conversation.
Example : Heather: How are you doing today?
Cyril: Fine.
In this one, the answer does say what is believed to be false. It does not have the Quality since it lacks adequate evidence and answered untruthfully. It did respond in a sarcastic manner for the sake of politeness.
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ReplyDeleteI agree with Noam Chomsky’s Theory, specifically to the one he proposed that a human being or an individual has the innate ability to acquire language; that we have the genes to learn a specific language. Although we are surrounded by different environments and we adapt on it, it does not mean that environment teaches us the language but it only affect us and help us on how to use the language.
Be precise.
The teacher should have detailed explanations when discussing his or her lesson. He/She should be accurate in explaining things to make the students comprehend faster.
Be clear and concise.
The teacher should be clear and concise and giving instructions or having lectures to avoid information overload in part of the students. They should only discuss those things that are only relevant to the topic.
Stimulating learning environment
The teacher should think some strategies or techniques to make the learning environment interesting. In a discussion, it is good to make the students involve by hearing their opinions in a particular topic. It will help the students to be motivated and help them to develop their critical thinking skills.
1. I strongly agree with Noam Chomsky's theory of Universal Grammar and Language Acquisition Device, we do have natural or innate capacity to learn a language by means of exposure and environmental influences.
ReplyDeleteWe can just observe how children grow and develop - their minds are likened to sponges that are able to absorb anything that is given to them. Their ability to speak transforms and develops overtime starting out from words that adults present in their environment feeds them.
2. The Maxims
Student 1: Do you have the time?
Student 2: Yes, it's 11:00.
The maxim of quantity is observed because the answer that was given provided the needed information; the maxim of relevance was also followed because the answer was pertinent to what is being discussed and lastly, the maxim of manner was also present since the given answer was clear, brief and orderly.
Madelaine D. Tan
ReplyDeleteChild and Adolescent Development
Dr. Racquel Mendoza
Blog # 6
A. Describe your agreement/disagreement on Noam’s Chomsky’s Theory. Universal Language (UL) and Language Acquisition Device (LAD) Explain.
My stand regarding Noam’s Chomsky’s theory was in the middle because although I believe that humans have an innate ability to acquire knowledge; they are genetically pre-programmed for it. Still I must say that the environment that a child lives on has somehow affect the quality of language a child learns. For example, if the parents “baby talk” their child the speech will not progress faster. The socio-economic condition of the family can also be correlated with the language learned. Children exposed to better facilities, (newspapers, TV, magazines) even travel and association with cultured groups is a big advantage. Proper guidance and supervision is needed. Physical condition is also an issue. Certain pathological conditions like cerebral palsy, aphasia or cleft palate may affect the quality or rate of language learned. Proper nutrition is needed for children to function well. Since the child imitates most of what he often hears – from voice inflections, mannerism of speech, the choices of words, the speech that shows aggression, hostility, fear, humor, etc., having a good environment conducive to learning is a potent key factor.
B. Name 3 principles of teaching using the 4 maxims (quantity, quality, relevance and manner) in linguistic development. Be sure to give example.
1. Seize the Moment – It means that as a teacher, you should give information as much as you can while the students are thirsty for learning and be sure it is a “correct information”, related to the topic. The information must be very clear, brief, and easy to understand.
2. Involve the student in Planning – Just presenting the information or the lessons to your students does not ensure learning. As a teacher you must provide them information that can help them develop and think critically. Regardless of your planned teaching strategies you must allow students to tests their ideas, to take risks, and to be creative to promote learning. In this manner, the learning process is much more absorb by the students because they are involve in the planning.
3. Begin with what the student knows – Giving or teaching new information or new ideas to your students may not be that simple to grasp. Start with the concepts or ideas that the student already knows by reviewing or comparing old concepts to new ones. The differences or changes from then till now, will help them absorb quickly the presentation of new ideas and information.
I agree with Noam Chomsky’s theory that each of us has the innate ability to learn a language. Every individual has the ability to learn a language whenever or wherever he/she may be. This position is supported by the fact that when we are still babies we experiment on our own words or sounds to depict things we want or we need. By merely experimenting we learn how to express our feeling.
ReplyDeleteEmphasize time on task – “time plus energy equals learning” example you have given a mathematical problem to be answered in 10 minutes.
Communicates high expectation – you should tell your students what is expected on them so that they will be motivated to achieved such expectation. Example – You state before the class starts that at the end of the discussion you are expecting them to know the different parts of the body.
Respects diversity - teaching students how to respect their individual difference of each other. That they should respect one another regardless of race, color, economic status, religion and nationality. Example when praying before the start of the class you should not force everyone to make the sign of the cross.
Jerome Chuatoco
ReplyDeleteA. Describe your agreement/disagreement on Noam Chomsky's Theory: Universal Language (UL)and Language Acquisition Device (LAD). Explain.
At first I wanted to dismiss the idea, but after thinking about it, I begin to picture how people learned to communicate in the first place. Having said that, I do agree with Noam Chomsky’s theory.
I agree because based on the history that I study every day, I think people have the natural tendency to learn a language regardless of teachers or guidance. That a person’s brain has the innate ability to learn language by itself in the same way as a person learns how to eat, drink, and do other basic functions. I also believe that the only changeable factor based on the environment is the kind of language that a person will learn.
The whole idea of Chomsky is really amazing and well-thought of. However, I also believe that we can never truly explain how the human mind truly works or develops. Therefore, in that sense I disagree with some of the details of his claim such as the transformational grammar.
B. Name three principles in teaching using the 4 Maxims (quantity, quality, relevance & manner) in linguistic and literacy development. Be sure to give example.
1. Promotes independence, interdependence and self-motivation – In linguistics, this means that the student will be confident enough to attempt to use what they have learned, whether they are still beginners or not.
Ex. Jim is a Korean student trying to learn English. Even though he is just a beginner, we is confident and well motivated to speak and practice English. He is not afraid or shy in making mistakes. He pushes himself even without the presence of the teacher.
2. Students are to be challenged and supported to develop deep levels of thinking and application – This is when the students can use what they have learned in a deeper manner.
Ex. Hannah is trying to learn how to speak in Japanese. Her teacher taught her basic phrases such as: “Good morning”, “where can I find this”, and “I want to eat sushi”. Based on what she has learned, she was able to express other messages by replacing some words in the phrases.
3. Strongly connects students with communities and practice beyond the classroom – Students must be able to use the knowledge naturally within the community and grow not just inside of the classroom, but inside as well.
Ex. May is trying to learn active and passive voice. Aside from reading her lessons, she also practices it when she talks to other people.